
Vitiligo is a skin condition in which smooth white patches called appear on a person’s skin. It generally starts on the hands, forearms, feet and face. Globally, one percent of the population could be suffering from vitiligo 

best treatment clinic for vitiligo in Hyderabad

What is vitiligo ?

It is a skin disorder that causes the skin to lose its color. Smooth white areas (called macules if less than 5mm or patches if 5mm or larger) appear on a person’s skin. If you have vitiligo in a place that has hair, the hair on your body may also turn white. The condition occurs when melanocytes the cells responsible for lending colour or pigmentation are destroyed by the body’s immune system.

How does it spread ?

Vitiligo usually begins with a few small white patches that may gradually spread over the body over the course of several months. Vitiligo typically begins on the hands, forearms, feet, and face but can develop on any part of the body, including the mucous membranes (moist lining of the mouth, nose, genital, and rectal areas), the eyes, and inner ears.
vitiligo treatment before/after images in Hyderabad
Vitiligo treatment before/after images
Sometimes the larger patches continue to widen and spread, but usually they stay in the same place for years. The location of smaller macules shifts and changes over time, as certain areas of skin lose and regain their pigments. Vitiligo varies in the amount of skin affected, with some patients experiencing few depigmented areas and others with widespread loss of skin color.

How is Vitiligo treated?


Surgery is attempted in those patients seeking cosmetic improvement provided the lesions are stable for the last one and a half years . If light therapy and medications haven't worked, some people with stable disease may be candidates for surgery. The following techniques are intended to even out skin tone by restoring colour : • Skin grafting. In this procedure, your team of surgeons will transfer very small sections of your healthy, pigmented skin to areas that have lost pigment. This procedure is sometimes used if you have small patches of vitiligo.
Possible risks include infection, scarring, a cobblestone appearance, spotty color and failure of the area to recolor. • Blister grafting. In this procedure, your surgeons create blisters on your pigmented skin, usually with suction, and then transplants the tops of the blisters to discolored skin.
Possible risks include scarring, a cobblestone appearance and failure of the area to recolor. And the skin damage caused by suctioning may trigger another patch of vitiligo. • Cellular suspension transplant(micrografting or Melanocyte transplantation)In this procedure, your surgeons take some tissue on your pigmented skin, put the cells into a solution and then transplants them onto the prepared affected area. The results of this repigmentation procedure start showing up within four weeks.the advantages of cell suspension procedures are that the results are more even toned and that larger and more extensive areas can be treated in one single session as compared to skin grafting or suction blister grafting .

Post Operative Care for Vitiligo

Immediately after the surgery
  • You will be given a dressing which needs to be changed once in 3-5 days.
  • After the surgical site is dry ,the part may be exposed to air .
Full recovery timeline
It is recommended that one exposes the part to sunlight for atleast 30 mins to enhance pigmentation creams enhancing pigmentation may also be prescribed for a period of 4-6 weeks till you start noticing pigmentation in the operated area moisturisers may be prescribed to reduce itching.