Eyelid Correction
Also known as Blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure for correcting disfigurations of the eyelids. It is usually used to repair droopy eyelids (mostly due to ageing) which may involve removing excess skin, muscle and fat.

Causes for droopy eyelids
How is Blepharoplasty surgery performed?
Post Operative Care for Blepharoplasty
- You may observe watering of the eyes due to non-drainage of tears through the swollen and blocked natural drainage system of the eyes.
- You may observe dryness and irritation of eyes. Soothing eye drops may be prescribed to reduce the dryness.
- You may be advised to sleep with head end elevation for 1-2 weeks.
- You will be advised to use cold compresses and ointments for 1-2 weeks.
- You may expect swelling and bruising to resolve in 1-2 weeks.
- Contact lenses can be resumed after 1-2 weeks.
- You may resume working after 5-7 days.
- Over a period of 3-6 weeks, you will start seeing improvement in eyelids. They will start feeling soft and supple and look youthful.
- You may have to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and excessive eye strain for 4-6 weeks
You ask, we answer.
Blepharoplasty surgery can give life-changing results and an experienced surgeon will not change the shape of the eyes, unless this is the aim. There will be no tell-tale signs that it has been operated on. You will have natural looking eyes and a fresh look to your face.
The skin of the eyelid is excellent at hiding scars. Scars (if any) will be hidden in the natural fold of the upper eyelid making them nearly invisible on most people. The scar of the lower eyelid will heal very well, and it is camouflaged under the eyelashes. With strict adherence to scar modulation protocol, the scars are almost negligible.
You may return back to work in 5-7 days. Because of the swelling, bruising, watering and irritation of eyes, you may not be able to attend the work immediately, but you may resume work from home after 2-3 days once you are comfortable.
Excessive pain, bleeding, infection or dryness of eyes may happen. In most cases, some asymmetry of the eyelids is present both before and after the surgery. Watering from eyes and discolouration of lids settle down soon. Ectropion of lower lid (drooping of the lower eyelid and push the eyelid away from the eyeball) usually settles down with subsidence of swelling and massages, and rarely may require a minor corrective surgery.