Gynecomastia is enlargement of the male breast caused by an imbalance in hormones estrogen and testosterone. Physiological gynecomastia may be observed in new born boys, pubertal teenage boys and older men because of natural hormonal changes. Pathological enlargement may occur in some other diseases due to hormonal imbalance like genetic factors, obesity, medications like anabolic steroids, chronic alcoholism and drug addiction.

3 simple steps to Gynecomastia
How is Gynecomastia performed?
Post Operative Care for Gynecomastia
Your pain and discomfort will be addressed by analgesics. You will be advised to wear a compression garment or surgical bra 24/7 for a period of 4-6 weeks. This aids in reducing the swelling and gives you more comfort.
You will be advised to follow lymphatic massages starting in the 2 nd week to be
continued till 6 weeks. These exercises help you reduce the swelling, knotting
and achieve better contours.
You may resume work in 2-3 weeks time from your surgery. Scar modulation creams may be recommended for softening the scars. Lymphatic massages once the suture line is dry which improves the breast contours. It may take 3 months for one to appreciate the final results.
Post Operative Recovery
Patients may experience pain, bruising, swelling for the initial 5-8 days after
surgery. You may return back to your work in 4 – 10 days depending upon the
complexity of the surgery and type of your professional work.
You ask, we answer.
If you are a male person who have crossed the teenage years and suffering from
enlarged breasts on one side or both sides, causing social embarrassment (not
allowing to wear a fitting T-Shirt or to take off the shirt in front of others), then
you may consider gynaecomastia surgery.
Antiestrogen medication may be considered in selected patients with hormonal
imbalance. If the medical management fails, surgery is the only option to be
Our team of surgeons have enough experience to ensure and provide you
restore natural and masculine chest which is firm, that is better contoured
and aids in boosting your self-esteem and confidence.
As with any other surgical procedures, gynaecomastia is associated with
risks like bleeding, infection, seroma (fluid collection), haematoma (collection
of blood), temporary loss of sensations, scarring, asymmetry and
unsatisfactory results, although they are very rare in our experience.
The excess fibro fatty gland tissue and excess skin area once removed are going to be permanent. You need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to make the results long lasting and permanent. Significant weight gain, steroid abuse and other hormonal conditions may lead to recurrence and fatty gynaecomastia.
- If you are planned to manage with liposuction only (fattygynaecomastia especially in elderly people) you may find only 5mm long liposuction cannula access site scars in the hidden areas.
- If a combined liposuction with subcutaneous mastectomy is planned, you may expect an additional scar at the junction of areola and skin at the lower hemi-circumference which is barely visible.
- If a male breast reduction is planned for you (in case of huge breast with excessive skin) you may expect visible scars around and below the areola. With strict adherence to scar management protocol in the post-operative period, you may expect the scars to fade away in 6 months to 1 year time.
You may be able to see the results immediately after the surgery but, you can
perceive the final result after 6 weeks’ time once the swelling, and bruising
subsides and scars fade away.
In elderly people with predominantly fatty breasts, exercise might reduce the
size of the breasts to some extent, but in people with more fibrous tissue (young patients), surgical removal of the breast is the only solution. You may need to continue the healthy lifestyle and exercise regimen to make the results long lasting.
You may refer to the pricing list at our website.