Six Packs Surgery
Ideal and proportionate body with well toned, muscular and defined anterior abdominal wall is the dream of many present younger generation men and women. Despite strict adherence to diet and exercise, some people may not achieve the desired outcome. Ultra high definition liposuction or 6 pack surgery or abdominal etching or abs etching surgery helps them to achieve the desired abdominal aesthetic look.

3 simple steps to Abdominal Etching
How is Abdominal Etching performed?
Post Operative Care for Abdominal Etching
- You may expect bruising, swelling, blunting of sensations, and hardness over the operated areas for few days.
- Sutures over liposuction cannula sites may be removed after 1'st week.
- Most patients are able to resume a normal work schedule within 1 week.
- You may be advised to wear a compression foam and the compression garment to make you comfortable, and reduce the swelling and bruising. The compression garment may have to be worn 24/7 for a period of 4-6 weeks.
- You may be advised to refrain from heavy exercise, and gymming for a period of 6 weeks.
- The full effect of surgery should be noticed within 6 months.
You ask, we answer.
Abdominal etching is a high definition liposuction procedure that helps to sculpt and enhance the appearance of waistline and create six-pack abs. Instead of removing fat from your midsection with the simple goal of a slimmer appearance, abdominal etching removes fat deposits in an advanced and strategic way. This type of liposuction moulds and shapes the abdominal wall so that the ab muscles look more prominent and attractive.
The best candidates for abdominal etching are men and women in relatively good shape, with mild to moderate amount of abdominal fat. People with large amounts of abdominal fat aren’t suitable for 6 pack liposuction as it results in an unnatural appearance. The ideal candidate for abdominal etching is a healthy person who doesn’t smoke, has no life threatening health conditions, and doesn’t have obesity. Abdominal etching works best for people who are less than 30 percent over their ideal body weight, with healthy muscle and skin tone. Your age and your skin’s elasticity should also be considered when being realistic about the results of abdominal etching.
Abdominal etching is similar to traditional liposuction in that the preparation for surgery, recovery time, and requirements for the procedure are very similar, but there’s one important distinction. It is considered a form of advanced or 3-D liposuction where the fat deposits that cover your abdominal muscles are carefully carved off your body, using small incisions usually based around your belly button deepening the natural grooves in your body and make your ab muscles appear much more prominent. Fat deposits may also be taken from the sides overlying your oblique abdominal muscles to narrow your midsection. When the swelling subsides and the area heals, you should see a visibly toned midsection. Abdominal etching only targets your waistline and midsection. Instead of artistically removing the fat between muscle prominences, the etching literally creates a fake 6 pack appearance by removing such a pattern from the fat over the muscles giving the appearance of a 6 pack where there is none.
Common side effects after a liposuction procedure like abdominal etching include: nerve and blood vessel damage, skin discoloration, bumpy skin or irregular healing, swelling, fluid accumulation, anesthesia bruising or headaches. Almost all of them are temporary and settle down in few days.
After 4 to 5 months, you’ll be able to see the full results of your abdominal etching procedure. As swelling subsides and your skin begins to adhere to its new shape, you should be able to see your abs more visibly and a tighter, more toned-looking midsection.
Abdominal etching claims to produce permanent results, with some caveats. Weight gain and pregnancy can erase the results of this procedure. Also, the natural aging process of your body means that eventually your abs might not be as defined and visible as they are right after the procedure. So, maintenance in the form of strict healthy diet and exercise is the secret for long lasting results after abs etching surgery.
The incisions are very minute and will be placed in the natural creases, making them less noticeable and usually fade over a period of time.
Yes, this can be combined with gynaecomastia surgery in men and breast or buttock surgery in women. But, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can’t be combined with abdominal etcing because, it compromises the blood supply to the skin flaps resulting in skin necrosis.
4D body contouring combines VASER liposuction and removes unwanted fat throughout the torso and reveals the muscle tone beneath using specialized cannulae (fat removal instruments) that can reduce fat around the ab muscles with greater precision, allowing us to better sculpt an attractive shape.
You may refer to the pricing table at our Luxe Cosmetique website.