
The procedure is performed to decrease the size of enlarged labia minora (inner part of the female genitalia that surrounds urethra and vagina) so that it is flush with the labia majora (outer part of the female genitalia).

Cause for enlarged labia minor

There are several reasons for the enlarged labia minora such as genetics, sexual activity, child birth, weight changes and aging.
Enlarged labia minora causes difficulty while doing exercise, physical activities such as jogging or cycling, sexual activity, hygiene issues, urinary tract infections, difficulty in wearing body tight clothes

2 Types of Labioplasty Surgeries

1. Trim procedure

In this the excess part of labia minora is removed and sutured so that it is symmetrical with labia majora

2. Wedge procedure

In this a wedge of labia minora is removed leaving the submucosa intact so that when labia minora is sutured it gives natural appearance preserving the wrinkled edge. In both the procedure, the labia is sutured with the absorbable sutures.

Post Operative care for labsiaplasty

Immediately after the surgery

You will have swelling, discomfort and pain but you will
be provided with good pain killer and antibiotic(oral and topical) cover. Ice pack or cold
compresses advised.

Wear loose pants!

Avoid wearing tight fitting clothes or undergarments as friction cause delay in healing of the

First week

Return to routine activities after 3-4 days. If your job demands physical activity or lifting weights, then return to work would be delayed for a week.

Avoid for 4 weeks
  • Sexual activity
  • Physical activities such as cycling, running, swimming

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. You may find a circular scar around the areola which is barely visible and an inverted J shaped scar on the underside of the breast which will fade with strict adherence to scar modulation protocol (scar reduction creams, scar massages, silicone gel sheets and lasers if required)

Complications: Very rare but following can occur-

Infection, bleeding, bruising, hematoma, wound breakdown, too much or inadequate tissue
removal, scarring, pain with sex or loss of sensation

Any person unhappy with the appearance of their labia or feel discomfort while wearing
tight clothing, peforming physical activity or sexual activity can consider this procedure