Breast Asymmetry
The great majority of women have mild breast asymmetry. However, when the asymmetry is significant, it may adversely affect the woman’s body image, her self-esteem and confidence. Women with breast asymmetry may have breasts that are different in size, shape, or position. The asymmetry corrective surgery rectifies all these concerns and makes the breasts look equal and beautiful.

Classification of Breast Symmetry
Get perfectly symmetrical breasts through surgery
Post Operative Care for breast reduction
The post operative course depends upon the type of procedure performed. The details of postoperative care for each procedure is described in detail in the respective articles.
In general, you may experience bruising and swelling after the surgery, which may subside in 7-10 days’ time.
In general, you may experience bruising and swelling after the surgery, which may subside in 7-10 days’ time.
You may be advised to wear a compression garment (supportive medical bra) for 4-6 weeks which may help you with more comfort, reduced swelling and bruising, and fixation of implant in proper position.
You ask, we answer.
Every woman’s breasts are asymmetrical to some extent. Surgery is only recommended if the difference is obvious. You may consult our team of surgeons and get an analysis to know whether you need the asymmetrical breast correction surgery or not. Usually when the difference in volume of both breasts is more than one cup size, or the nipple levels are quite different, then surgical correction is indicated. In general, any female who has completed breast development and is distressed by any asymmetry in the size, shape, level of her nipples or position of her breasts may consider breast asymmetry corrective surgery.
You can enjoy a pleasing shape with better symmetry and in better position suiting your physique.
Like any other cosmetic breast surgery, breast asymmetry correction may be associated with risks like infection, seroma (collection of fluid), haematoma (collection of blood), delayed wound healing, temporary loss of sensation around the nipple, very rarely capsular contracture. But, they are very rare after a standard breast surgery in our safe hands
Individual cases may vary but generally, mothers can breastfeed after having breast asymmetry correction. Rarely, some women do experience reduced nipple sensation following breast asymmetry surgery making it difficult to trigger the milk let down reflex.
Scars are an inevitable part of any invasive surgery. As Specialist Plastic Surgeons, we will endeavour to minimize scarring and to keep your scars as inconspicuous as possible. Most of the scars are hidden in the crease underneath the breast, but there will always be a fine scar around the areola following a breast lift. Scars may fade with time and become barely be noticeable over a period of time.