Brazilian Butt Lift

A shapely buttock is a sign of youthfulness and fitness with round, firm buttocks often seen as a symbol of femininity and sensuality. Ideally, the buttock should project as far back as the plane of the upper back projection. Another guide is the breast projection; the buttock should project as far back as the breast projects forwardA buttock lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure to refine and enhance the buttock volume and contour to create a firm, taut and shapelier appearance.Butt lift surgery is a day care procedure that is performed under general or regional anaesthesia. The entire surgery typically lasts about one and half to 3hours to complete, depending upon the type of lift performed.

3 Types of Butt Lift Surgeries

Post Operative Care for Brazilian Butt Lift

First week
  • You may experience swelling, discomfort, and bruising for a period of 5-7 days. All these issues subside completely by 2nd week.  
  • You may be advised to wear a compression garment against the affected areas of skin to minimize the risk of bleeding, swelling, discomfort, and to improve contours.
Two to three weeks
  • You may be advised to avoid sitting on the butt and required to sleep on your stomach or sides for 2- 3 weeks.
Recovery timeline

  • Postoperative lymphatic massages have to be followed for a period of 4-6 weeks for the swelling and bruising to come down, and to achieve better contours.

  • Swelling and bruising will subside in 4-6 weeks, but it may take upto 6months to visualize the final results.

You ask, we answer.

It is extremely important to consider how the whole body, and not just the butt, will look after the operation. Most patients only care about the increase in the  size of their butt rather than what looks good overall. Again, patients must take note that the objective of BBL is to give the patient a more proportionate-looking body and not just a bigger butt.

Butt augmentation with fat grafting (Brazilian butt lift) is a safe and natural option for people with unwanted fat bulges in other areas, and accepting  the 30% risk of resorption  associated with fat grafting. Butt lift with silicone implants is suitable for thin people who are seeking for a major augmentation and are accepting the foreign material and hidden scar.  Standard butt lift is indicated in people  with saggy skin, usually after massive weight loss or after bariatric surgery. The type of butt lift suitable for you can be suggested  by our team of surgeons after a detailed discussion and thorough clinical examination.

You may have to take at least one week off work, although we recommend taking two weeks as you will not be able to sit normally for two weeks following the surgery. Patients that need to return to work after one week may sit on a BBL pillow. 

Patients can see their results immediately after the procedure with their butt looking bigger and lifted instantly. Though the results are immediate, it can take a few months for the final results to stabilize due to swelling. The transplanted fat will also take months to develop a good blood supply to truly show the final results. However, once the fat has a sufficient blood supply, patients can enjoy their newly shaped butt permanently without touch-up treatments.

Yes, standard butt lift can be combined with lower body lift to contour the buttocks, groin, thighs and abdomen. Brazilian butt lift can be combined with breast augmentation, where the fat aspirated from donor areas may be transferred both to the breast and butt, giving the added benefit of contouring the areas with excess fat.

Not all the fat transferred to the buttocks is expected to survive. Between 25-30% of it can get reabsorbed and lost over the next 6-9 months after the procedure. The final result may therefore be somewhat less than initially projected. Minor touch-ups may be necessary depending on a patient’s final result and expectations.

Wait for the swelling to completely subside. This can take up to 2-3 months. At that time, you may shop for new bras that fit your new breast size and shape. Avoid wearing underwired bra for the first 6 months post surgery. 

What are the expected complications with butt lift surgery?

Like any other procedure, butt lift with silicone implants may be associated with infection,  haematoma (collection of blood), seroma (collection of fluid), delayed wound healing, displacement or malposition of implants, and rarely capsular contracture. Butt  lift with fat grafting may be associated with  infection, cyst formation, fat necrosis and rarely fat embolism. Standard butt lift may have side effect in the form of  wound healing issues.

The implants are warrantied for life against any manufacturing defect. The implants need not be removed or replaced unless and until there is a major complication in the form of rupture, severe capsular contracture etc.

You may refer to our pricing list at Luxe Cosmetique website.