Nipple Reduction

Nipple Reduction

Nipple reduction is a surgery to reduce the projection and or girth of the nipple. This can be done as a part of breast surgery (augmentation/reduction/ lift) or separately.

3 simple steps to Nipple Reduction

How is Nipple Reduction surgery performed?

You ask, we answer.

If you’re an adult and have nipples that you feel are too wide, too long, or both,
and in generally good health, you’re likely to be a good candidate for nipple
reduction. The procedure can be performed on both men and women. Nipple
reduction is not recommended for women who plan to breast feed soon, or those
who are pregnant.

Every patient comes to nipple reduction surgery with slightly different aims, and
we at luxe Cosmetique will adapt the technique to meet the patient’s specific

Most of the people recover in approximately 10 days’ time. Many individuals
return to work on the very second day. Patients are advised to refrain from
strenuous exercise and sexual activity for 6 weeks.

The scars from nipple reduction surgery are among the least visible plastic surgery
scars. They are extremely inconspicuous and are usually hidden on the underside
of the nipple and in the fold where the nipple meets the areola.

Like any other surgical procedure, nipple reduction may be associated with risks
like pain, infection, asymmetry, temporary loss of sensation, or increased
sensitivity, loss of pigment, disruption of sutures and scarring.

Nipple reduction will not impact a woman’s ability to breastfeed. Rarely,
nipple reduction performed by untrained people may result in blocked
ducts, impairing breast feeding. That’s why, it’s always important to be
operated by a board certified plastic surgeon who is trained well enough
in the particular surgery.